Wrap around care

We are delighted that we can offer this excellent facility in school as part of our commitment to extended provision.

Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am- 9am daily. The children are given a choice of healthy breakfast options and a range of activities to choose from. The cost for a whole session is £5 or part session is £4.

After School Club runs from 3.15pm- 4.30pm on Mondays, 3.15pm to 5.30pm Tuesday to Thursday.  The cost is £5 per hour or £12 for the full session.

The children are offered fruit and a drink straight after school and those staying after 4.30pm are offered a snack/light tea.  They can choose from a range of activities which will vary according to the age and interests of the children.

Both Breakfast and After School Club are run by our dedicated members of staff. Mrs Hodgson leads Breakfast Club and Mrs Briddock leads After School Club. Miss Briddock provides support across all wrap around care sessions.

All children in school are welcome at the clubs either on a one-off or a regular basis.

We would ask that all bookings are made BY THE FRIDAY OF THE WEEK PRECEEDING CARE ARRANGEMENTS.  Bookings received after this may be charged at a premium rate of £6 per hour.  You can make a booking in the following ways:

  • by completing a booking form and sending it to the office.
  • by telephone 
  • by e-mail to admin@newbrough.northumberland.sch.uk 

We ask that you do not contact members of staff directly on their personal mobile numbers to make bookings.

There is a 50 % discount for each second sibling where both children are pupils of our school. We also accept childcare vouchers.

We recognise that occasionally exceptional circumstances arise and parents are unavoidably late in collecting their child. We will, of course, always continue to look after your child until you are able to collect them or make an alternative arrangement. However, we reserve the right to impose a £10 penalty for lateness, at the discretion of the session manager.

All parents using the Breakfast/ After School Club are asked to complete a registration and medical form for their child prior to using breakfast or after-school club.

We will keep these arrangements under review and welcome feedback so if you have any comments, queries or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

A booking form is attached, please complete the booking form for the month ahead. You will be invoiced at the beginning of each month for sessions attended during the previous month.